Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Exercise: Shutter speeds - location ideas

I have been wracking my brains to think of a fun and interesting way to carry out the shutter speeds exercise.  I have noticed that most people resort to sitting by the side of a road and capturing cars as they drive past at various speeds.  I am keen to do something different.

Some ideas I have had so far are:
  • sit on a roundabout in a kids playground and photograph the world as I spin around
  • place my camera in a shopping trolley and photograph it being pushed around the supermarket (credit goes to Endre 3000 for this idea http://www.flickr.com/photos/47669578@N07/4861467145/in/photostream/)
  • take photographs of London tubes arriving in to a station using a wide angle lens
  • take photographs while sitting on a swing

I will explore these ideas over the coming days, as time allows.


  1. Amir, some good ideas there. Your Blogs looking good.
    Enjoy the course.

  2. Hi Nicola, thanks for the kind comments. I really appreciate the feedback. This is my first distance learning course and so I am feeling rather isolated.
